

Dropcaps bring the beauty of book typography to your website. The Theme comes with a Shortcode Generator, that enables you to to include a dropcap with just two clicks.

Default Dropcaps

[togglergroup accordion=”false” style=”simple”]

[toggler title=’Get The code’]

[[dropcap]N[/dropcap]]ormal Dropcap
[[dropcap style="square"]S[/dropcap]]quare Dropcap
[[dropcap style="circle"]C[/dropcap]]ircle Dropcap



Colored Dropcaps

[togglergroup accordion=”false” style=”simple”]

[toggler title=’Get The code’]

[[dropcap colored="true"]N[/dropcap]]ormal Dropcap
[[dropcap style="square" colored="true"]S[/dropcap]]quare Dropcap
[[dropcap style="circle" colored="true"]C[/dropcap]]ircle Dropcap



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